Money-Smart Advice

Get Better with Money
Make smart choices
Live your best life

Being Money-Smart is all about maximizing the quality of your life. Our courses will help you gain knowledge and skills in all 4 key pillars of personal finance: Spending, Borrowing, Investing, and Risk Management. It will also teach you the practical steps you need to take to apply this knowledge to actually change your behaviour and make smart financial decisions that are in your best interest.

The choices you make today, determines the quality of life for your future self. Getting better with money will change your life forever. 

Our courses

Financial Health Check - Numbers
 Made Simple

Are your finances in good shape? Check your financial health vital signs and know instantly how you compare with a personalized financial health assessment. Understand how your financial decisions play an important part in your financial success. Get insights and guidance on how to improve your financial health so you can live your best life..

Money-Smart E-course - Personal Finance for Everyone

Simple, practical, personal financial advice for everyone. Improve your financial I.Q. where you need it and get life changing thoughts and practical financial advice for real world situations. Learn how to apply your knowledge so you make good quality financial decisions and live a richer, happier more meaningful life.  

Take control of your money on your terms. Live life to the fullest and still meet your financial goals. 

Learn how to make smart financial choices and live a richer, happier more meaningful life

Money isn't the only thing that matters, but it does matter to all of us, a lot. Financial decisions can be hard, but the Money-Smart program makes it easy. Dealing with money can seem so complicated, and often we get conflicting advice. It can be frustrating, and everything ends up being harder than it should be. That's where Money-Smart comes in.

Everyone needs a plan

Financial success doesn't just happen. The world we live in is complicated - it's not always easy to make good money choices, especially with the conflicting advice out there and the huge amount of choice overload. Everyone wants your money, and our financial environment actively encourages you to make poor financial decisions. There is no shortcut, there are common barriers to wealth and obstacles that arise for everyone. Success will come to those that are proactive and make purposeful informed choices.

Money-Smart knowledge can be mastered by anyone

Being good with money can be a puzzle, buy it's not a mystery. It's within the reach of anyone who is willing to learn and ready to change. This course is not about theories and textbook best practices. It provides life-changing thoughts and practical financial advice from real world situations that we have experienced. Strategies shared and knowledge earned are presented in a practical approach, so that our students can immediately put them into action.

Welcome to something different!

The Money-Smart program creates long-term results through habit and behaviour change, not by forcing you to follow some drastic cookie cutter financial rules. We focus on your brain, not your budget. This is not a temporary fix, there is some serious psychology and financial education behind it. This program will change the way you think about your finances, it will change your relationship with money.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Advice where you need it

The Money-Smart training is designed to meet you where you are financially and provide tailored advice that meets your needs. Whether you desire to get out of debt, grow your wealth, or manage your money more intentionally, we've crafted a motivating resource for you. If you are looking for more purpose to how you manage your finances, and want to live a more fulfilling life, you're in the right place. 

With Money-Smart skills, you’ll just feel smarter which will finally allow you to go ahead and create and pursue your financial goals.

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